Five Things Employers Can Do to Support Breastfeeding Parents

With the endless responsibilities employers face, you may struggle with making time to think about your company’s breastfeeding policy. But consider these facts:

  • Family-friendly policies help build employee rapport and retention.
  • Breastfeeding reduces infant illness which decreases employee sick days and lowers company health care costs.
  • Support for nursing parents reduces inequities in the workplace and beyond.


While federal laws protect employees’ rights to pumping breaks for nursing parents, many employers wonder how they can further support their company’s families. Here are five things you can do to help nursing parents with their transition back to work.

  1. Create a written breastfeeding policy which acknowledges employee rights for pumping breaks. Be sure all employees are aware of the policy.
  2. Let staff members with leadership roles know that they are responsible for supporting breastfeeding policies. Try to address any management concerns before the parent returns from maternity leave.
  3. Discuss a return-to-work plan before the parent begins maternity leave. Employees are often uncomfortable initiating the conversation, so let them know you will support their breastfeeding goals. Where safety allows, consider the benefits of a parent bringing baby to work, transitioning back with half days, or allowing them to work from home when possible.
  4. Feeling safe and comfortable are essential to successful pumping. Discuss the best place to set up a pumping station with your nursing employees.
  5. Be as flexible as possible when the parent returns to work. Providing food for a baby is very challenging under the best of circumstances and is easier with an  employer’s support and encouragement.


Thank you for showing that you care about your company’s families! For more information about federal breastfeeding laws and sample breastfeeding policies, visit: